The Bootstrap Chain Ladder from Scratch using Polars

The bootstrap chain ladder from scratch using polars

January 25, 2025

In an earlier post, I provided a step-by-step guide on performing the bootstrap chain ladder using Pandas. This method involves repeatedly resampling residuals from the original chain ladder model to generate a series of simulated datasets, each replicating the original data’s claims development patterns (for more background, refer to the linked article).

Here we again walkthrough the bootstrap chain ladder step-by-step, this time using Polars, a high-performance DataFrame library built in Rust specifically designed for efficient data processing with large datasets. Unlike Pandas which is single-threaded, Polars leverages multi-core processors resulting in faster execution for many tasks. Although not required for our work in this setting, Polars can also handle datasets larger than available memory, spilling to disk when necessary. In Pandas, we can only process datasets having size less than or equal to available system memory.

Although Polars offers clear advantages over Pandas in many scenarios, this particular case isn’t one of them. Polars eliminates the concept of an index, which is a core feature of Pandas. But indices are especially valuable in this context for calculating age-to-age factors, identifying values along the latest diagonal, and squaring triangles. Additionally, while some insurers may store tens or hundreds of millions of claim records in their data warehouses, losses are typically aggregated by origin and development period ahead of a reserving analysis, resulting in datasets greatly reduced in size vs. transactional claim data. As a consequence, reserving actuaries typically don’t work with datasets large enough to necessitate parallel processing or out-of-core computation.

Translating the original Pandas bootstrap chain ladder code to Polars provided a good opportunity to showcase the library’s core features. However, many operations felt much less intuitive compared to their Pandas counterparts. Even so, I see this post as a valuable reference for specific Polars operations that I’ll likely use again in the future.

The steps to perform the bootstrap chain ladder:

  1. Transform loss data into cumulative triangle representation.

  2. Calculate all-year volume weighted age-to-age factors.

  3. Calculate the cumulative fitted triangle by applying backwards recursion, beginning with the observed cumulative losses from the latest diagonal.

  4. Calculate the unscaled Pearson residuals, \(r_{p}\), degrees of freedom \(DF\) and scale parameter \(\phi\).

  5. Calculate the adjusted Pearson residuals, defined as \(r_{p}^{{adj}} = \sqrt{\frac{n}{DF}} \times r_{p}\).

  6. For each bootstrap sample (1…1000):

    1. Generate a sample from the adjusted Pearson residuals \(r_{p}^{{adj}}\) with replacement.

    2. Using the sampled adjusted Pearson residuals and fitted incremental triangle \(m\), construct the triangle of sampled incremental losses \(I_{i} = m + \hat{r}_{p}^{adj} \sqrt{m}\), where \(\hat{r}_{p}^{adj}\) represents a sample with replacement from the adjusted Pearson residuals and \(m\) the fitted incremental triangle.

    3. Create a cumulative triangle using the result from ii., and project future losses using the chain ladder method.

    4. Incorporate process variance by simulating each future projected incremental loss from a gamma distribution parameterized with mean equal to the projected loss value and variance the loss value times \(\phi\).

    5. Cumulate the incremental losses, then compute the total needed reserve as the ultimate projected value minus the latest cumulative loss amount by origin period.

  7. Compute desired quantiles of interest from predictive distribution of bootstrap samples.

In what follows each step is demonstrated, along with exhibits to visually assess the distribution of future losses.

%load_ext watermark

import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import polars as pl

np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=5)

pd.set_option("display.precision", 5)
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.width', None)
warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)


%watermark --python --conda --hostname --machine --iversions
Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.12.8
IPython version      : 8.31.0

conda environment: polars

Compiler    : MSC v.1942 64 bit (AMD64)
OS          : Windows
Release     : 11
Machine     : AMD64
Processor   : Intel64 Family 6 Model 170 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel
CPU cores   : 22
Architecture: 64bit

Hostname: JTRIZPC11

matplotlib: 3.10.0
pandas    : 2.2.3
polars    : 1.20.0
numpy     : 2.2.2

Start by loading the data from GitHub:

# Load RAA dataset. 
dfraa = pl.read_csv("")
dfraa = dfraa.sort(by=["ORIGIN", "DEV"])

print("Original incremental loss data:")

# Subtract 1980 from ORIGIN.
dfraa = dfraa.with_columns(pl.col("ORIGIN").sub(1980).alias("ORIGIN"))

Original incremental loss data:
shape: (10, 3)
i64 i64 i64
1 1 5012
1 2 3257
1 3 2638
1 4 898
1 5 1734
1 6 2642
1 7 1828
1 8 599
1 9 54
1 10 172

A number of functions are defined that will be used throughout the remainder of the article. Note that the implementations differ from the Pandas version: to_cum and to_incr accept an optional as_tri argument, which when set to True transforms the table of losses into a DataFrame formatted as a runoff triangle:

For get_a2a_factors, get_latest and square_tri, a few simplifying assumptions have been made:

  1. The triangles under consideration have an equal number of development and origin periods.
  2. Development periods are sequential starting with 1.
  3. No tail factor is included.

def to_tri(df: pl.DataFrame) -> pl.DataFrame:
    Return DataFrame structured as runoff triangle.

        df: pd.DataFrame
            Loss data with columns ORIGIN, DEV and VALUE.

    return df.pivot(index="ORIGIN", on="DEV", values="VALUE")

def to_table(tri: pl.DataFrame) -> pl.DataFrame:
    Accepts a DataFrame structured as a triangle and returns the tabular 
    representation having columns ORIGIN, DEV and VALUE.

        df: pd.DataFrame
            Loss data structures as a runoff triangle.

    df = tri.unpivot(tri.columns[1:], index=["ORIGIN"], variable_name="DEV", value_name="VALUE")
    df = df.with_columns(pl.col("DEV").cast(pl.Int32).alias("DEV"))
    df = df.sort(["ORIGIN", "DEV"])
    return df

def to_cum(df: pl.DataFrame, as_tri: bool=False) -> pl.DataFrame:
    Accepts a DataFrame of incremental losses and returns a DataFrame
    of cumulative losses. Optionally return DataFrame as cumulative 

        df : pl.DataFrame
            Incremental losses.

        as_tri: bool
            Should DataFrame be returned as a triangle.

    dfc = df.with_columns(
    if as_tri:
        return to_tri(dfc)
        return dfc

def to_incr(df: pl.DataFrame, as_tri: bool=False) -> pl.DataFrame:
    Accepts a DataFrame with cumulative losses and de-cumulates.

        ctri : pl.DataFrame
            Cumulative losses.

        as_tri : bool
            Should DataFrame be returned as a triangle.

    # Get values at first development period.
    first_devp_values = df.filter(pl.col("DEV")==1).select("VALUE").to_numpy().flatten()

    # Compute difference of cumulative losses by each origin period.
    df = df.with_columns(VALUE=(pl.col("VALUE").diff()).over("ORIGIN"))

    if as_tri:
        # Convert to triangle.
        tri = to_tri(df)

        # Set first development period to first_devp_values. 
        tri = tri.with_columns(pl.Series("1", first_devp_values))
        return tri
        return df

def get_a2a_factors(tri: pl.DataFrame) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
    Calculate all-year volume weighted age-to-age factors. 

        tri: pl.DataFrame
            Cumulative triangle.

        List of (age-to-age header, age-to-age factor).
    max_origin = ctri0["ORIGIN"].max()
    all_devps = tri.columns[1:]
    dps0, dps1 = all_devps[:-1], all_devps[1:]
    a2a_headers = [f"{ii}-{jj}" for ii, jj in zip(dps0, dps1)]
    a2a = []
    for dp0, dp1 in zip(reversed(dps0), reversed(dps1)):
        v1 =[:(max_origin - int(dp1) + 1)]
        v2 =[:(max_origin - int(dp1) + 1)]
        a2a.append((np.nansum(v2) / np.nansum(v1)).item())
    return list(zip(a2a_headers, a2a[::-1]))

def get_latest(tri: pl.DataFrame) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
    Return the value at the latest development period by origin. 

        tri : pl.DataFrame
            Cumulative or incremental triangle.

        list of (origin, latest) tuples.
    if "ORIGIN" in tri.columns:
        tri = tri.drop("ORIGIN")
    nbr_devps = tri.width
    latest = [tri[ii, nbr_devps - ii - 1] for ii in range(nbr_devps)]
    return list(zip(tri.columns, latest))

def square_tri(tri: pl.DataFrame, a2a: list[tuple[str, float]]) -> pl.DataFrame:
    Project future losses for `tri` using `a2a`.

        tri : pl.DataFrame
            Cumulative triangle.
        a2a: list
            Age-to-age factors.

        Original triangle with projected future losses. 
    if "ORIGIN" in tri.columns:
        sqrd = tri.drop("ORIGIN")
        sqrd = tri
    _, a2a_values = zip(*a2a)
    nbr_devps = sqrd.width
    for r_idx in range(nbr_devps):
        for c_idx in range(nbr_devps - r_idx, nbr_devps):
            sqrd[r_idx, str(c_idx + 1)] =  sqrd[r_idx, str(c_idx)] * a2a_values[c_idx - 1]
    sqrd = sqrd.with_row_index("ORIGIN", offset=1)
    return sqrd

Create an incremental loss triangle, passing dfraa into to_tri:

tri0 = to_tri(dfraa)

print("Original incremental loss triangle:")

Original incremental loss triangle:
shape: (10, 11)
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64
1 5012 3257 2638 898 1734 2642 1828 599 54 172
2 106 4179 1111 5270 3116 1817 -103 673 535 null
3 3410 5582 4881 2268 2594 3479 649 603 null null
4 5655 5900 4211 5500 2159 2658 984 null null null
5 1092 8473 6271 6333 3786 225 null null null null
6 1513 4932 5257 1233 2917 null null null null null
7 557 3463 6926 1368 null null null null null null
8 1351 5596 6165 null null null null null null null
9 3133 2262 null null null null null null null null
10 2063 null null null null null null null null null

Next we create a cumulative loss triangle using to_cum with as_tri = True:

ctri0 = to_cum(dfraa, as_tri=True)

print("Original cumulative loss triangle:")

Original cumulative loss triangle:
shape: (10, 11)
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64
1 5012 8269 10907 11805 13539 16181 18009 18608 18662 18834
2 106 4285 5396 10666 13782 15599 15496 16169 16704 null
3 3410 8992 13873 16141 18735 22214 22863 23466 null null
4 5655 11555 15766 21266 23425 26083 27067 null null null
5 1092 9565 15836 22169 25955 26180 null null null null
6 1513 6445 11702 12935 15852 null null null null null
7 557 4020 10946 12314 null null null null null null
8 1351 6947 13112 null null null null null null null
9 3133 5395 null null null null null null null null
10 2063 null null null null null null null null null

Calculate the all-year volume weighted age-to-age factors

\[ \begin{aligned} f_{k} &= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n-k} C_{i,k+1}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n-k}C_{i,k}} \end{aligned}, \]

for development period \(i\).

a2a = get_a2a_factors(ctri0)

print("All-year volume weighted age-to-age factors:")

All-year volume weighted age-to-age factors:
[('1-2', 2.9993586513353794),
 ('2-3', 1.6235227537534538),
 ('3-4', 1.2708881150356526),
 ('4-5', 1.1716746330883747),
 ('5-6', 1.113384886206463),
 ('6-7', 1.0419346379110106),
 ('7-8', 1.033263553789384),
 ('8-9', 1.0169364810075625),
 ('9-10', 1.0092165898617511)]

Although not required here, age-to-ultimate factors can be obtained as follows:

h, v = zip(*a2a)

a2u = np.cumprod(v[::-1])[::-1]

print("Age-to-ultimate factors:")

list(zip(h, a2u.tolist()))
Age-to-ultimate factors:
[('1-2', 8.920233896752476),
 ('2-3', 2.9740470992960426),
 ('3-4', 1.8318481169544962),
 ('4-5', 1.441392121998959),
 ('5-6', 1.2301982831186211),
 ('6-7', 1.104917354599779),
 ('7-8', 1.0604478576650866),
 ('8-9', 1.0263091674684617),
 ('9-10', 1.0092165898617511)]

Calculate the cumulative fitted triangle by applying backwards recursion, beginning with the observed cumulative losses from the latest diagonal.

nbr_devps = ctri0.width - 1
a2a_headers, a2a_values = zip(*a2a)

# Create empty triangle with same shape as ctri0. 
ctri = pl.DataFrame(
    {f"{i}": [np.nan] * nbr_devps for i in range(1, 11)}
).with_row_index("ORIGIN", offset=1)

for r_idx in range(ctri["ORIGIN"].shape[0]):
    # Determine latest development period.
    latest_devp = nbr_devps - r_idx

    # Set latest diagonal of tri to same value as in tri0.
    ctri[r_idx, str(latest_devp)] = ctri0[r_idx, str(latest_devp)] 

    # Use backward recursion to un-develop triangle using a2a_values. 
    for devp in range(latest_devp - 1, 0, -1):

        ctri[r_idx, str(devp)] = (ctri[r_idx, str(devp + 1)] / a2a_values[devp - 1])

print("Fitted cumulative triangle:")

Fitted cumulative triangle:
shape: (10, 11)
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
u32 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64
1 2111.3796 6332.7847 10281.4201 13066.5346 15309.7271 17045.6188 17760.4206 18351.1953 18662.0000 18834.0000
2 1889.8556 5668.3547 9202.7029 11695.6057 13703.4445 15257.2080 15897.0135 16425.8047 16704.0000 NaN
3 2699.8587 8097.8445 13147.0348 16708.4103 19576.8205 21796.5360 22710.5659 23466.0000 NaN NaN
4 3217.7567 9651.2063 15668.9531 19913.4862 23332.1267 25977.6372 27067.0000 NaN NaN NaN
5 3242.8226 9726.3881 15791.0124 20068.6100 23513.8813 26180.0000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 2186.1650 6557.0929 10645.5896 13529.3532 15852.0000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 1989.7800 5968.0637 9689.2872 12314.0000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 2692.6640 8076.2650 13112.0000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 1798.7179 5395.0000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 2063.0000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Calculate the unscaled Pearson residuals, \(r_{p}\), degrees of freedom \(DF\) and scale parameter \(\phi\).

The unscaled Pearson residuals are defined as

\[ r_{p} = \frac{I - m}{\sqrt{m}}, \]

where \(I\) represents actual incremental losses and \(m\) fitted incremental losses.

Polars doesn’t have an equivalent to Pandas df.diff(axis=1), so the implementation of to_incr is a little more involved than what we saw last post. First, the actual triangle on incremental losses:

print("Actual incremental triangle tri:")

Actual incremental triangle tri:
shape: (10, 11)
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64
1 5012 3257 2638 898 1734 2642 1828 599 54 172
2 106 4179 1111 5270 3116 1817 -103 673 535 null
3 3410 5582 4881 2268 2594 3479 649 603 null null
4 5655 5900 4211 5500 2159 2658 984 null null null
5 1092 8473 6271 6333 3786 225 null null null null
6 1513 4932 5257 1233 2917 null null null null null
7 557 3463 6926 1368 null null null null null null
8 1351 5596 6165 null null null null null null null
9 3133 2262 null null null null null null null null
10 2063 null null null null null null null null null

And the fitted incremental triangle:

# Fitted incremental triangle.
tri = to_incr(to_table(ctri), as_tri=True)

print("Fitted incremental triangle tri:")

Fitted incremental triangle tri:
shape: (10, 11)
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
u32 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64
1 2111.3796 4221.4051 3948.6354 2785.1145 2243.1925 1735.8917 714.8019 590.7747 310.8047 172.0000
2 1889.8556 3778.4991 3534.3481 2492.9028 2007.8388 1553.7635 639.8055 528.7912 278.1953 NaN
3 2699.8587 5397.9858 5049.1903 3561.3755 2868.4102 2219.7156 914.0298 755.4341 NaN NaN
4 3217.7567 6433.4496 6017.7467 4244.5332 3418.6404 2645.5105 1089.3628 NaN NaN NaN
5 3242.8226 6483.5655 6064.6243 4277.5976 3445.2713 2666.1187 NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 2186.1650 4370.9279 4088.4966 2883.7637 2322.6468 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 1989.7800 3978.2838 3721.2235 2624.7128 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 2692.6640 5383.6010 5035.7350 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 1798.7179 3596.2821 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 2063.0000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

The unscaled Pearson residuals are then calculated element-wise:

numer =[1:]) -[1:]) 
denom =[1:]).abs().sqrt())
r_us = numer / denom

print("Unscaled Pearson residuals:")

Unscaled Pearson residuals:
shape: (10, 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64
63.1259 -14.8433 -20.8573 -35.7583 -10.7510 21.7480 41.6370 0.3384 -14.5666 0.0000
-41.0341 6.5154 -40.7625 55.6209 24.7308 6.6781 -29.3664 6.2712 15.3967 null
13.6670 2.5046 -2.3670 -21.6728 -5.1237 26.7285 -8.7663 -5.5461 null null
42.9657 -6.6508 -23.2906 19.2704 -21.5437 0.2428 -3.1923 null null null
-37.7697 24.7072 2.6501 31.4266 5.8049 -47.2769 null null null null
-14.3973 8.4866 18.2746 -30.7401 12.3326 null null null null null
-32.1201 -8.1696 52.5357 -24.5299 null null null null null null
-25.8555 2.8948 15.9135 null null null null null null null
31.4605 -22.2495 null null null null null null null null
0.0000 null null null null null null null null null

\(DF = n - p\), where \(n\) is the number of populated cells in the original triangle and \(p\) the number of parameters in the chain ladder model (10 for origin period and 9 for development period):

n = tri0.count().sum().to_numpy().flatten()[1:].sum().item()
p = tri0.height + tri0.width - 2
DF = n - p

print(f"Degrees of freedom: {DF}.")
Degrees of freedom: 36.

The scale parameter \(\phi\) is the sum of the squared unscaled Pearson residuals over the degrees of freedom:

phi = r_us.with_columns(pl.all().pow(2)).sum().to_numpy().flatten().sum().item() / DF

print(f"Scale parameter: {phi:.3f}.")
Scale parameter: 983.635.

Calculate the adjusted Pearson residuals, \(r_{p}^{{adj}}\), defined as:

\[ r_{p}^{{adj}} = \sqrt{\frac{n}{DF}} \times r_{p} \]

r_adj = np.sqrt(n / DF).item() * r_us  

print("Adjusted Pearson residuals:")

Adjusted Pearson residuals:
shape: (10, 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64
78.0257 -18.3468 -25.7803 -44.1984 -13.2886 26.8812 51.4647 0.4183 -18.0048 0.0000
-50.7196 8.0533 -50.3838 68.7493 30.5681 8.2544 -36.2979 7.7514 19.0308 null
16.8929 3.0957 -2.9256 -26.7883 -6.3330 33.0374 -10.8354 -6.8551 null null
53.1071 -8.2206 -28.7879 23.8188 -26.6287 0.3001 -3.9458 null null null
-46.6845 30.5389 3.2756 38.8443 7.1751 -58.4358 null null null null
-17.7955 10.4897 22.5880 -37.9958 15.2434 null null null null null
-39.7015 -10.0978 64.9359 -30.3197 null null null null null null
-31.9582 3.5780 19.6696 null null null null null null null
38.8863 -27.5012 null null null null null null null null
0.0000 null null null null null null null null null

(From this point each subsequent step is repeated up to the desired number of bootstrap samples.)

Generate a sample from the adjusted Pearson residuals with replacement:

# Set random seed for reproducibility.
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=516)

# Represent adjusted residuals as Numpy array with nans and 0s removed.
r = r_adj[:-1, :-1].to_numpy().flatten()
r = r[np.logical_and(~np.isnan(r), r != 0)] 

# Sample tri0.shape[0] * tri0.shape[1] values at each iteration, but only
# keep values in upper left portion of triangle. Use mask to determine 
# which values to retain.
mask = ~np.isnan(tri[:,1:])

# Sample with replacement from adjusted residuals. 
s_r = rng.choice(r, size=mask.shape, replace=True)

# # Replace 0s with nans.
s_r = mask * s_r
s_r[s_r==0] = np.nan
s_r = pl.from_numpy(s_r, schema=[str(i) for i in range(1, 11)])

print("Sample with replacement from adjusted Pearson residuals:")

Sample with replacement from adjusted Pearson residuals:
shape: (10, 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64
-50.3838 -13.2886 7.1751 30.5389 26.8812 -18.3468 -58.4358 33.0374 10.4897 7.1751
-10.0978 8.2544 -26.7883 0.4183 78.0257 -58.4358 38.8443 -30.3197 19.6696 NaN
-27.5012 38.8443 -58.4358 -6.3330 7.1751 -27.5012 0.4183 -50.7196 NaN NaN
-44.1984 8.0533 -37.9958 -27.5012 38.8443 -25.7803 -30.3197 NaN NaN NaN
19.0308 -3.9458 -26.7883 -2.9256 38.8863 7.7514 NaN NaN NaN NaN
30.5681 -27.5012 26.8812 8.2544 38.8443 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
-39.7015 -17.7955 -18.3468 -10.8354 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
22.5880 -18.0048 3.0957 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
-25.7803 -26.7883 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0.4183 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Using the sampled adjusted Pearson residuals and fitted incremental triangle \(m\), construct the triangle of sampled incremental losses \({I_{i}}\):

\[ I_{i} = m + \hat{r}_{p}^{adj} \sqrt{m}, \]

where \(\hat{r}_{p}^{adj}\) represents a sample with replacement from the adjusted Pearson residuals and \(m\) the fitted incremental triangle:

tri_ii = tri[:,1:] + s_r *[1:]).sqrt())
tri_ii = tri_ii.with_row_index("ORIGIN", offset=1)

print("Triangle of sampled incremental loss tri_ii:")

Triangle of sampled incremental loss tri_ii:
shape: (10, 11)
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
u32 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64
1 -203.7452 3358.0144 4399.5047 4396.7778 3516.3502 971.4887 -847.5257 1393.7759 495.7340 266.1004
2 1450.8774 4285.8909 1941.7709 2513.7873 5504.0870 -749.6490 1622.3472 -168.4248 606.2675 NaN
3 1270.8943 8251.9128 896.8769 3183.4392 3252.6902 924.0302 926.6758 -638.6012 NaN NaN
4 710.5888 7079.3951 3070.2582 2452.8309 5689.8317 1319.5115 88.6453 NaN NaN NaN
5 4326.5491 6165.8502 3978.4635 4086.2513 5727.7564 3066.3579 NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 3615.4212 2552.7444 5807.3180 3327.0288 4194.7016 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 218.8165 2855.8569 2602.0332 2069.5944 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 3864.7765 4062.5315 5255.4183 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 705.3407 1989.8118 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 2081.9985 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Create a cumulative triangle, and project future losses using the chain ladder method:

# Create cumulative triangle from sampled incremental losses.
ctri_ii = to_cum(to_table(tri_ii), as_tri=True)

# Get age-to-age factors for sampled cumulative triangle.
a2a_ii = get_a2a_factors(ctri_ii)

# Square ctri_ii, populating the lower-right side using a2a_ii.
ctri_ii_sqrd = square_tri(ctri_ii, a2a_ii)

print("Completed sampled triangle ctri_ii_sqrd:")

Completed sampled triangle ctri_ii_sqrd:
shape: (10, 11)
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
u32 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64
1 -203.7452 3154.2692 7553.7739 11950.5517 15466.9019 16438.3906 15590.8649 16984.6408 17480.3748 17746.4752
2 1450.8774 5736.7683 7678.5392 10192.3265 15696.4135 14946.7645 16569.1116 16400.6868 17006.9544 17265.8480
3 1270.8943 9522.8071 10419.6840 13603.1232 16855.8134 17779.8436 18706.5194 18067.9182 18664.3141 18948.4374
4 710.5888 7789.9839 10860.2421 13313.0730 19002.9047 20322.4162 20411.0615 20646.5050 21328.0164 21652.6887
5 4326.5491 10492.3993 14470.8628 18557.1141 24284.8704 27351.2284 28055.8538 28379.4807 29316.2465 29762.5220
6 3615.4212 6168.1656 11975.4836 15302.5124 19497.2140 20678.4336 21211.1538 21455.8265 22164.0523 22501.4514
7 218.8165 3074.6735 5676.7067 7746.3011 10351.3688 10978.4964 11261.3256 11391.2261 11767.2341 11946.3644
8 3864.7765 7927.3080 13182.7263 17413.9552 23270.2385 24680.0431 25315.8531 25607.8739 26453.1529 26855.8442
9 705.3407 2695.1525 4093.6863 5407.6272 7226.2030 7663.9954 7861.4361 7952.1185 8214.6065 8339.6559
10 2081.9985 7378.7321 11207.6084 14804.8883 19783.7469 20982.3259 21522.8749 21771.1433 22489.7774 22832.1349

So far we’ve accounted for parameter variance, but not process variance. In order to obtain the full prediction error, we need to incorporate process variance into our estimates. This is accomplished by simulating incremental projected losses from a gamma distribution. For each cell in the lower right of the completed triangle, we randomly sample from a gamma distribution with mean equal to the projected incremental loss in that cell, and variance equal to the value in that cell times \(\phi\). For example, consider the following squared incremental triangle:

      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
1991  84 27  6  6  3  0  2 -1 -0  2
1992 109 33  7  2  4  4  1 -1  1  2
1993  86 28  8  4  3  2 -0  1  0  2
1994 113 32  1  4  3  2 -1 -0  0  2
1995  86 26  6  3  2  2  0 -0  0  2
1996 107 39  7  4  4  2  1 -0  0  2
1997  72 26  2  3  2  2  0 -0  0  1
1998  77 21  3  3  2  2  0 -0  0  1
1999  74 28  4  3  2  2  0 -0  0  1
2000  54 17  3  2  2  1  0 -0  0  1

Values to the right of the main diagonal represent projected future losses. For the loss at origin = 2000 and development period = 2, the projected incremental loss is 17. We would therefore sample from a gamma distribution parameterized as follows:

from numpy.random import gamma

# Computed above. 
phi = .798 

# Value at intersection of origin=2000 and development period = 2.
mu = 17

# Determine shape and scale from mean and variance.
shape = mu**2 / (phi * mu)
scale = (phi * mu) / mu

# Generate sample from gamma distribution.
rng.gamma(shape=shape, scale=scale, size=1)
# array([19.29149])

We take advantage of the fact that for the gamma distribution, the shape parameter \(\alpha = E[X]^{2} / \mathrm{Var}[X]\) and scale \(\theta = \mathrm{Var}[X] / E[X]\). In essence, we are simulating future incremental losses from a series a gamma distributions, each with parameterization based on the chain ladder-derived future incremental losses. To handle cases in which a projected incremental loss might be negative, we take the absolute value of the projected loss when determining \(\alpha_{ij}\) and \(\theta_{ij}\) for origin period \(i\), development period \(j\), where \(2 \leq i \leq n\) and \(j \geq n - i + 2\).

Incorporation of process variance. 

from numpy.random import gamma

# Get sampled squared incremental triangle.
tri_ii_sqrd = to_incr(to_table(ctri_ii_sqrd), as_tri=True).drop("ORIGIN")

for r_idx in range(nbr_devps):

    for c_idx in range(nbr_devps - r_idx, nbr_devps):
        # Get mean and variance using incremental loss value.
        m = np.abs(tri_ii_sqrd[r_idx, str(c_idx)])
        v = m * phi

        # Determine shape and scale parameters. 
        shape = m**2 / v
        scale = v / m

        # Update value at [r_idx, c_idx] with sample from gamma distribution.
        tri_ii_sqrd[r_idx, str(c_idx)] = rng.gamma(shape=shape, scale=scale, size=1).item()

print("Sampled incremental triangle w/ process variance:")

Sampled incremental triangle w/ process variance:
shape: (10, 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64
-203.7452 3358.0144 4399.5047 4396.7778 3516.3502 971.4887 -847.5257 1393.7759 495.7340 266.1004
1450.8774 4285.8909 1941.7709 2513.7873 5504.0870 -749.6490 1622.3472 -168.4248 5.6818 258.8936
1270.8943 8251.9128 896.8769 3183.4392 3252.6902 924.0302 926.6758 261.2162 45.4568 284.1233
710.5888 7079.3951 3070.2582 2452.8309 5689.8317 1319.5115 0.0000 1187.7049 138.5052 324.6723
4326.5491 6165.8502 3978.4635 4086.2513 5727.7564 2287.3879 375.7417 20.5246 624.2870 446.2756
3615.4212 2552.7444 5807.3180 3327.0288 3960.9182 218.8131 10.1640 14.2730 306.6162 337.3991
218.8165 2855.8569 2602.0332 1195.7353 962.9821 160.2781 418.3009 0.0000 14.9545 179.1303
3864.7765 4062.5315 8917.8595 1226.2463 3936.2469 2824.7474 827.3206 4.3581 84.7208 402.6913
705.3407 1146.8776 1215.0414 619.7826 3797.3911 796.3057 8.3274 2.0791 0.2504 125.0494
2713.2565 3260.8427 1892.6994 2777.3152 1124.3156 720.6907 10.0764 7.8274 299.7176 342.3576

From this point, we proceed exactly as if performing a standard chain ladder analysis: Cumulate incremental losses, then compute the total needed reserve as the ultimate projected value minus the latest cumulative loss amount by origin period. In the next cell we convert latest_values to a numpy array to simplify differencing with ultimates, but this can also be computed element-wise in a list comprehension:

tri_ii_sqrd = tri_ii_sqrd.with_row_index("ORIGIN", offset=1)
ctri_ii_sqrd = to_cum(to_table(tri_ii_sqrd), as_tri=True)
latest_origin, latest_values = zip(*get_latest(ctri_ii_sqrd))
latest_values = np.asarray(latest_values)
ultimates = ctri_ii_sqrd[:, -1].to_numpy().flatten()
ibnr = (ultimates - latest_values).tolist()



The preceding steps are repeated for the desired number of bootstrap samples, resulting in the predictive distribution of total needed reserve by origin period and in aggregate.

Bringing it All Together

The steps outlined above are combined in the next cell to run 1000 bootstrap iterations, generating the predictive distribution of reserves. We also present code to visualize the predictive distribution by origin period and in aggregate.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import gamma
import polars as pl

np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=5)
# Set random seed for reproducibility.
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=516)

# Number of bootstrap samples.
nbr_samples = 1000

# Load tabular incremental losses. Convert to incremental triangle. 
dfraa = pl.read_csv("")
dfraa = dfraa.sort(by=["ORIGIN", "DEV"])
dfraa = dfraa.with_columns(pl.col("ORIGIN").sub(1980).alias("ORIGIN"))
tri0 = to_tri(dfraa)
nbr_devps = tri0.width - 1
mask = ~np.isnan(tri0[:,1:])

# Create cumulative triangle from original losses.
ctri0 = to_cum(dfraa, as_tri=True)

# All-year volume-weighted age-to-age factors.
a2a = get_a2a_factors(ctri0)

# Cumulative fitted triangle via backwards recursion.
a2a_headers, a2a_values = zip(*a2a)

# Create empty triangle with same shape as ctri0. 
ctri = pl.DataFrame(
    {f"{i}": [np.nan] * nbr_devps for i in range(1, 11)}
).with_row_index("ORIGIN", offset=1)

for r_idx in range(ctri["ORIGIN"].shape[0]):

    # Determine latest development period.
    latest_devp = nbr_devps - r_idx

    # Set latest diagonal of tri to same value as in tri0.
    ctri[r_idx, str(latest_devp)] = ctri0[r_idx, str(latest_devp)] 

    # Use backward recursion to un-develop triangle using a2a_values. 
    for devp in range(latest_devp - 1, 0, -1):
        ctri[r_idx, str(devp)] = (ctri[r_idx, str(devp + 1)] / a2a_values[devp - 1])

# Incremental fitted triangle.
tri = to_incr(to_table(ctri), as_tri=True)

# Unscaled Pearson residuals.
numer =[1:]) -[1:]) 
denom =[1:]).abs().sqrt())
r_us = numer / denom

# Degrees of freedom.
n = tri0.count().sum().to_numpy().flatten()[1:].sum().item()
p = tri0.height + tri0.width - 2
DF = n - p

# Scale parameter.
phi = r_us.with_columns(pl.all().pow(2)).sum().to_numpy().flatten().sum().item() / DF

# Adjusted Pearson residuals.
r_adj = np.sqrt(n / DF).item() * r_us  

# Create sampling distribution from adjusted Pearson residuals. Remove
# nans and 0s. 
r = r_adj[:-1, :-1].to_numpy().flatten()
r = r[np.logical_and(~np.isnan(r), r != 0)] 

# Sample tri0.width * tri0.height values at each iteration, but only
# keep values in upper left portion of triangle. Use mask to determine 
# which values to retain.
sqrd_ctris = []

for ii in range(nbr_samples):

    # Sample with replacement from adjusted residuals. 
    s_r = rng.choice(r, size=mask.shape, replace=True)
    s_r = mask * s_r
    s_r[s_r==0] = np.nan
    s_r = pl.from_numpy(s_r, schema=[str(i) for i in range(1, 11)])

    # Sampled incremental triangle.
    tri_ii = tri[:,1:] + s_r *[1:]).sqrt())
    tri_ii = tri_ii.with_row_index("ORIGIN", offset=1)

    # Sampled cumulative triangle.
    ctri_ii = to_cum(to_table(tri_ii), as_tri=True)

    # Age-to-age factors for sampled cumulative triangle.
    a2a_ii = get_a2a_factors(ctri_ii)

    # Sampled squared cumulative triangle.
    ctri_ii_sqrd = square_tri(ctri_ii, a2a_ii)

    # Sampled squared incremental triangle.
    tri_ii_sqrd = to_incr(to_table(ctri_ii_sqrd), as_tri=True)

    # Incorporate process variance.
    for r_idx in range(nbr_devps):
        for c_idx in range(nbr_devps - r_idx, nbr_devps):
            # Get mean and variance using incremental loss value.
            m = np.abs(tri_ii_sqrd[r_idx, str(c_idx)])
            v = m * phi

            # Determine shape and scale parameters. 
            shape = m**2 / v
            scale = v / m

            # Update value at [r_idx, c_idx] with sample from gamma distribution.
            tri_ii_sqrd[r_idx, str(c_idx)] = rng.gamma(shape=shape, scale=scale, size=1).item()

    ctri_ii_sqrd2 = to_cum(to_table(tri_ii_sqrd), as_tri=True)

    # Keep Sampled squared triangle.

Obtain the predictive distribution of reserves and ultimates from sqrd_ctris. Each triangle in sqrd_ctris is converted to a Pandas DataFrame to keep the visualization code consistent with the prior post:

ultimates, reserves = [], []

for ii, ctri in enumerate(sqrd_ctris):

    latest_origin, latest_values = zip(*get_latest(ctri))
    ctri = ctri.to_pandas().set_index("ORIGIN")
    latest = pd.Series(
        data=latest_values, index=[int(ii) for ii in latest_origin]

    ult = (
        ctri.iloc[:, -1]
        .rename({"ORIGIN": "origin", "10": "ult"}, axis=1)

    ult["n"] = ii

    ibnr = (
        (ctri.iloc[:, -1] - latest).astype(float)
        .rename({"ORIGIN": "origin", 0: "ibnr"}, axis=1)

    ibnr["n"] = ii

dfults = pd.concat(ultimates).reset_index(drop=True)
dfibnr = pd.concat(reserves).reset_index(drop=True)

Using dfults and dfibnr, we create a summary of mean ultimate, mean IBNR, standard error of IBNR as well as 75th and 95th percentiles of the predictive distribution of reserves:

from functools import reduce

# Latest cumulative loss amount by origin.
latest_origin, latest_values = zip(*get_latest(ctri0))
latest = (
    pd.Series(data=latest_values, index=[int(ii) for ii in latest_origin])
    .rename({"index": "origin", 0: "latest"}, axis=1)

# Mean ultimate by origin.
ult_mean = (
    .rename({"ult": "ult_mean"}, axis=1)

ibnr_mean =  (
    .rename({"ibnr": "ibnr_mean"}, axis=1)

# Standard error of reserve distribution by origin. 
ibnr_se = (
    .rename({"ibnr": "ibnr_se"}, axis=1)

# 75th percentile of reserve distribution by origin. 
ibnr_75 = (
    .rename({"ibnr": "ibnr_75th"}, axis=1)

# 95th percentile of reserve distribution by origin. 
ibnr_95 = (
    .rename({"ibnr": "ibnr_95th"}, axis=1)

# Combine into a single DataFrame.
bcl_summary = reduce(
    lambda df1, df2: df1.merge(df2, on="origin", how="left"),
    (latest, ult_mean, ibnr_mean, ibnr_se, ibnr_75, ibnr_95)

# Set ult_mean for earliest origin period to latest.[0, "ult_mean"] =[0, "latest"]

print("Boostrap chain ladder summary by origin:")

Boostrap chain ladder summary by origin:
origin latest ult_mean ibnr_mean ibnr_se ibnr_75th ibnr_95th
0 1 18834 18834.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 2 16704 17002.0 165.0 430.0 385.0 940.0
2 3 23466 24436.0 753.0 1056.0 1228.0 2719.0
3 4 27067 29034.0 1916.0 1714.0 2824.0 5079.0
4 5 26180 29014.0 2915.0 2085.0 4023.0 6865.0
5 6 15852 19656.0 3896.0 2452.0 5218.0 8692.0
6 7 12314 18031.0 5681.0 3066.0 7513.0 11501.0
7 8 13112 24818.0 11551.0 5142.0 14783.0 21143.0
8 9 5395 16291.0 10951.0 6283.0 14557.0 22634.0
9 10 2063 20003.0 17958.0 13786.0 25409.0 43653.0

While results by origin can be useful, typically actuaries are more interested in the aggregate view. To get aggregate results, we first group by simulation number, then proceed as in the prior cell:

# Aggregate bootstrap chain ladder results.

agg_ults = dfults.groupby("n")["ult"].sum()
agg_ibnr = dfibnr.groupby("n")["ibnr"].sum()

dsumm = {
    "latest": [latest["latest"].sum().item()],
    "ult_mean": [agg_ults.mean().item()],
    "ibnr_mean": [agg_ibnr.mean().item()],
    "ibnr_se": [agg_ibnr.std(ddof=1).item()],
    "ibnr_75th": [agg_ibnr.quantile(.75).item()],
    "ibnr_95th": [agg_ibnr.quantile(.95).item()]

bcl_summary_total = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(dsumm, orient="columns")
bcl_summary_total.index = ["total"]

print("Boostrap chain ladder summary in total:")

Boostrap chain ladder summary in total:
latest ult_mean ibnr_mean ibnr_se ibnr_75th ibnr_95th
total 160987 217184.0 55787.0 18960.0 66239.0 88935.0

Visualizing Bootstrap Chain Ladder Results

We can visualize actuals and predictions together by origin out to ultimate with 90% prediction intervals for each forecast period. Starting with sqrd_tris, we transform the data to make it easier for plotting:

dflist = []

for tri in sqrd_ctris:

    dftri = (
        .rename_axis(None, axis=1)
        .rename({"ORIGIN": "origin"}, axis=1)
        .melt(id_vars="origin", var_name="dev", value_name="bcl_value")


df = pd.concat(dflist)
df["dev"] = df["dev"].astype(int)
df = df.sort_values(["origin", "dev"]).reset_index(drop=True)

# Compute mean, 5th and 95th percentile of prediction interval for each forecast period.
df = (
    .groupby(["origin", "dev"], as_index=False)["bcl_value"]
        "bcl_mean": lambda v: v.mean(), 
        "bcl_95th": lambda v: v.quantile(.95),
        "bcl_5th": lambda v: v.quantile(.05)

# Attach actual values from original cumulative triangle.
dfctri0 = (
    .rename_axis(None, axis=1)
    .rename({"ORIGIN": "origin"}, axis=1)
    .melt(id_vars="origin", var_name="dev", value_name="actual_value")
dfctri0["dev"] = dfctri0["dev"].astype(int)

df = df.merge(dfctri0, on=["origin", "dev"], how="left")

# If actual_value is nan, then dev is a prediction for that origin. Otherwise
# it is an actual value. 
df["actual_devp_ind"] = df["actual_value"].map(lambda v: 1 if not np.isnan(v) else 0)
df["value"] = df.apply(lambda r: r.bcl_mean if r.actual_devp_ind==0 else r.actual_value, axis=1)

origin dev bcl_mean bcl_95th bcl_5th actual_value actual_devp_ind value
90 10 1 2044.92690 5819.41104 2.74973 2063.0 1 2063.00000
91 10 2 6523.89949 16103.08545 101.75998 NaN 0 6523.89949
92 10 3 10661.43665 25982.44515 319.20599 NaN 0 10661.43665
93 10 4 13682.08149 32977.99907 611.55764 NaN 0 13682.08149
94 10 5 16092.90839 38453.69231 799.41542 NaN 0 16092.90839
95 10 6 17973.94826 42833.83253 934.59346 NaN 0 17973.94826
96 10 7 18718.07392 45366.39099 1007.06181 NaN 0 18718.07392
97 10 8 19360.64161 46870.52200 1052.26676 NaN 0 19360.64161
98 10 9 19813.97172 47265.73702 1067.22772 NaN 0 19813.97172
99 10 10 20003.07058 47960.10396 1225.34543 NaN 0 20003.07058

Actuals with forecasts by origin year with 90% prediction intervals:

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

fill_color = "#FFC04C"

# Assume 9 origin periods (no distribution of fully-developed oldest origin period)
indices = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
origin_periods = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(10, 8), tight_layout=True, sharex=True) 

for (ii, jj), origin in zip(indices, origin_periods):

    dforigin = df[df.origin==origin]

    ax[ii, jj].set_title(f"{origin}", fontsize=8)

    # Get last actual development period for origin.
    last_actual_devp = dforigin[dforigin.actual_devp_ind==1].dev.max()

    # Actual values.
    act_dev = dforigin[dforigin.actual_devp_ind==1].dev.tolist()
    act_val = dforigin[dforigin.actual_devp_ind==1].value.tolist()

    # Predicted values.
    pred_dev = [last_actual_devp] + dforigin[dforigin.actual_devp_ind==0].dev.tolist()
    pred_val = [act_val[-1]] + dforigin[dforigin.actual_devp_ind==0].value.tolist()

    # 5th and 95th percentiles.
    pred_5th = [act_val[-1]] +  dforigin[dforigin.actual_devp_ind==0].bcl_5th.tolist()
    pred_95th = [act_val[-1]] + dforigin[dforigin.actual_devp_ind==0].bcl_95th.tolist()

    ax[ii, jj].plot(
        pred_dev, pred_val, "o", markersize=7, color="#1d2951", markerfacecolor="#FFFFFF", 
        markeredgecolor="#1d2951", markeredgewidth=.35, linestyle="--", linewidth=1., label="predicted"

    ax[ii, jj].plot(
        act_dev, act_val, "o", markersize=7, color="#1d2951", markerfacecolor="#1d2951", 
         markeredgecolor="#1d2951", markeredgewidth=.35, linestyle="-", linewidth=1., label="actual"

    ax[ii, jj].plot(
        pred_dev, pred_95th, color="#000000", linestyle=":",  # color="#FFFFB2",
        linewidth=.75, label="95th percentile"

    ax[ii, jj].plot(
        pred_dev, pred_5th, color="#000000", linestyle="-.",  # color="#FFFFB2",
        linewidth=.75, label="5th percentile"

    ax[ii, jj].fill_between(pred_dev, pred_5th, pred_95th, color=fill_color, alpha=.50)
    ax[ii, jj].xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter("{x:,.0f}"))
    ax[ii, jj].get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))
    ax[ii, jj].tick_params(axis="x", which="major", direction='in', labelsize=7)
    ax[ii, jj].tick_params(axis="y", which="major", direction='in', labelsize=7)
    ax[ii, jj].xaxis.set_ticks_position("none")
    ax[ii, jj].yaxis.set_ticks_position("none")
    ax[ii, jj].grid(True)   
    ax[ii, jj].set_axisbelow(True) 
    ax[ii, jj].legend(loc="upper left", fancybox=True, framealpha=1, fontsize="x-small")

plt.suptitle("Bootstrap chain ladder forecasts with 90% prediction interval", fontsize=10, weight="bold")

As expected, the prediction intervals grow wider for origin periods with fewer development periods of actual data to account for the greater uncertainty in ultimate projections.

Second, an exhibit with a separate histogram per facet can be used to visualize the distribution of IBNR generated by the bootstrap chain ladder:

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Color for each histogram.
hist_color = "#5473ff"

# Assume 9 origin periods (no distribution of fully-developed oldest origin period)
indices = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
origin_periods = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(10, 7), tight_layout=True) 

for (ii, jj), origin in zip(indices, origin_periods):
    ax[ii, jj].set_title(str(origin), fontsize=8, weight="normal")
    ax[ii, jj].hist(
        dfibnr[dfibnr.origin==origin].ibnr, 20, density=True, alpha=1, 
        color=hist_color, edgecolor="#FFFFFF", linewidth=1.0
    # ax[ii, jj].yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter("{x:,.0f}"))
    ax[ii, jj].set_yticklabels([])
    ax[ii, jj].xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter("{x:,.0f}"))
    ax[ii, jj].tick_params(axis="x", which="major", direction='in', labelsize=6)
    ax[ii, jj].tick_params(axis="x", which="minor", direction='in', labelsize=6)
    ax[ii, jj].tick_params(axis="y", which="major", direction='in', labelsize=6)
    ax[ii, jj].tick_params(axis="y", which="minor", direction='in', labelsize=6)
    ax[ii, jj].xaxis.set_ticks_position("none")
    ax[ii, jj].yaxis.set_ticks_position("none")
    ax[ii, jj].grid(True)   
    ax[ii, jj].set_axisbelow(True) 

plt.suptitle("Boostrap chain ladder: IBNR by origin", fontsize=9, weight="bold")

Finally, we can create a similar exhibit for the aggregate distribution of IBNR, with vertical lines added at the 50th, 75th, 95th and 99th percentile of total needed reserve:

hist_color = "#5473ff"

dfibnr_total = dfibnr.groupby("n", as_index=False)["ibnr"].sum()
ibnr_total = dfibnr_total["ibnr"].values
ibnr_50 = np.quantile(ibnr_total, .50).item()
ibnr_75 = np.quantile(ibnr_total, .75).item()
ibnr_95 = np.quantile(ibnr_total, .95).item()
ibnr_99 = np.quantile(ibnr_total, .99).item()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7.5, 5.25), tight_layout=True) 

ax.set_title("Bootstrap chain ladder: total IBNR", fontsize=10, weight="bold")

    ibnr_total, 27, density=True, alpha=1, color=hist_color, 
    edgecolor="#FFFFFF", linewidth=1.0

# 50th percentile.
ax.axvline(ibnr_50, color="#000000", linewidth=1.25, linestyle="--")
    r"$p_{{50}} = {:,.0f}$".format(ibnr_50), xycoords="data", xy=(ibnr_50, 2e-5),
    fontsize=11, rotation=90, weight="normal", color="#000000", xytext=(10, 0), 
    textcoords="offset pixels"

# 75th percentile.
ax.axvline(ibnr_75, color="#000000", linewidth=1.25, linestyle="--")
    r"$p_{{75}} = {:,.0f}$".format(ibnr_75), xycoords="data", xy=(ibnr_75, 2e-5),
    fontsize=11, rotation=90, weight="normal", color="#000000", xytext=(10, 0), 
    textcoords="offset pixels"

# 95th percentile.
ax.axvline(ibnr_95, color="#000000", linewidth=1.25, linestyle="--")
    r"$p_{{95}} = {:,.0f}$".format(ibnr_95), xycoords="data", xy=(ibnr_95, 2e-5),
    fontsize=11, rotation=90, weight="normal", color="#000000", xytext=(10, 0), 
    textcoords="offset pixels"

# 99th percentile.
ax.axvline(ibnr_99, color="#000000", linewidth=1.25, linestyle="--")
    r"$p_{{99}} = {:,.0f}$".format(ibnr_99), xycoords="data", xy=(ibnr_99, 2e-5),
    fontsize=11, rotation=90, weight="normal", color="#000000", xytext=(10, 0), 
    textcoords="offset pixels"

# ax[ii, jj].yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter("{x:,.0f}"))
ax.tick_params(axis="x", which="major", direction='in', labelsize=8)
# ax.tick_params(axis="x", which="minor", direction='in', labelsize=8)
ax.tick_params(axis="y", which="major", direction='in', labelsize=8)
# ax.tick_params(axis="y", which="minor", direction='in', labelsize=8)