About Me

Hello, my name is James Triveri. I’m a Data Scientist at The Mutual Group, a modern, scalable solution to mutual insurance carriers intended to enhance their operational efficiency. My primary interests are Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Numerical Linear Algebra, Geospatial Data Science and Scientific Computing. I also serve as a Computer Science instructor at Des Moines Area Community College where I teach introductory programming and Data Science courses.

I’m an ardent supporter of Free Software, as well as a long-time user and advocate of the Python programming language. I’m an active contributor to Open Source, and maintain a few projects of my own. You can check out my GitHub page here.

I graduated from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois where I studied Mathematics and Physics, and received an M.S. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology specializing in Machine Learning.

My favorite animal is the sloth (the Bradypodidae variety).

My CV is available here.

Thanks for checking in!